When Fall Is Coming
Flavors of Iraq
The Soul Eater
Sons of Ramses
What's Wrong with My Family?
The Color of Kings
Towards the Battle
Whatever Happened to My Revolution
Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti
Marie Curie
Made in France
The Assistant
The Sky of the Centaur
Wolfy: The Incredible Secret
The Marchers
Amaro amore
You, Me and Us
Lines of Wellington
Berthe Morisot
The Gordji Affair
Mysteries of Lisbon
Après moi
The Queen of Clubs
La mort n'oublie personne
Pardon My French
Le baiser
Miroir, mon beau miroir
Jacquou the Rebel
The Great Meaulnes
Poison Friends
Beyond the Ocean
Looking for Cheyenne
Changing Times
Old Goriot
Sissi, the Rebellious Empress
My Children Are Different
Almost Peaceful
Un moment de bonheur
Her Mother, the Whore
Water Drops on Burning Rocks
Place Vendôme
L'Onzième Commandement
Open Bodies
Quartier libre
Que demande le peuple